1 day left of 2015 and I think it’s time to talk about Russian word of the year.
There are four nominations: «The word of the year», «The phrase of the year», «Anti-language», «The modernism of the year»
Russian word of the year 2016
The noun «беженцы» (refugees) became the word of the year 2016.
It is interesting to know top 5 of words in еры category.
- "санкции/антисанкции" ( sanctions/anti-sanctions)
- «война» (war)
- "терроризм" (terrorism)
- обращение-мем «Карл" ( mem Carl)
The phrase of the year
In this nomination the phrase "Немцов мост» (the bridge of Nemtsov) won. This phrase became the second name of the Большой Москворецкий мост ( on of the central bridges in Moscow) where Boris Nemtsov was killed.
Top 5 of phrases in this category:
- образование ИГИЛ (formation of ISIS)
- "атмосфера ненависти» (the atmosphere of hate)
- "Бессмертный полк" (the Immortal Regiment)
- "Минские договоренности» ( Minsk agreements)
In this nomination the dirty-phrase "Обама чмо" won.
This phrase became the symbol of attitude of Russian people towards everything foreign.
Top 5 words/phrases in this category were:
- «ватник» (cotton wadded jacket)
- "вашингтонский обком» (Washington «obkom» - obkom- is the abbreviation of Regional Committee during the Soviet times)
- "иноагент" (abbreviation of «иностранный агент» foreign agent)
- «наши западные партнеры» (our western partners)
The main word- neologism of the year was invented by the writer Andrey Desnitsky) and this phrase is "бессмертный барак» ( The Immortal Barracks)
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